The key to a calm, empowered birth

Live Virtual Setting
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Sundays 4-6:30pm PST

Upcoming Classes

April/May 2025 Series

5-week series begins April 27, 2025 and runs 4:00-6:30 weekly for 5 consecutive weeks


Tricky schedule? Consider booking a private class. Email for details.

The HypnoBirthing Difference

  • Childbirth Education

    An empowered birth starts with education. This 5-week series has been thoughtfully designed to answer your questions in an honest, positive framework. The live-streamed classes ensures your questions will be answered so you can approach your birth with calm and confidence.

  • Birthing Possibilities

    Calm. Grounded. Empowering. Each week, you’ll be guided through meditations, breathing exercises, fear releases and self-hypnosis techniques so you can actually look forward to your birth. Partners also love this course because they learn concrete skills to support the experience.

  • Flexibility

    5 weekly classes, 2.5 hours each, all from the comfort of your home. We offer both weekend and weekday offerings so you’ll find something to fit your schedule. So pull up your comfiest chair, and enjoy a new depth of relaxation and calm.

  • Skills to Last a Lifetime

    HypnoBirthing mamas know the power of this approach for ensuring a positive birth experience. The icing on the cake? These skills don’t expire. You can use these relaxation techniques for years to come, well beyond birth. So whether you’re in the dentist’s chair or on the waxing table, these skills come in handy.

What are parents saying?

Intentional class design so you can look forward to your birth.

  • Introduction to HypnoBirthing philosophy, History of Birthing, how to assist rather than resist natural birthing instincts, viewing beautiful birthing videos.

  • Rapid self-relaxation techniques, breathing techniques for labour and birthing, hypnotic relaxation and visualization, care providers and options, prenatal bonding techniques, nutrition support.

  • Visualizations, Birth Preference worksheets, Light Touch Labor Massage, Release of fears and limiting thoughts.

  • Birth explained simply, hallmarks of labor, settling in at hospital/birth center/home birth, partner prompts if labor slows or rests, birth rehearsal imagery

  • Positions for descent and birthing, breathing baby down to birth, afterglow and bonding, Fourth Trimester

“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.”

-Marie Mongan, founder of HypnoBirthing

What’s Included

  • HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method is the foundational text for this course, and you’ll receive a hard copy of this resource to prepare you for a wonderful birthing experience.

  • This classic and powerful meditation is available for you to download it and listen to it on your phone or computer to simplify your daily practice.

  • The HypnoBirthing workbook includes scripts for birth companions, check lists for labor prep, birth preferences worksheets, and so much more. You’ll feel fully prepared for birth!